So you’ve stumbled upon my work and need some answers. I can’t tell you I know it all or even promise that I have all the questions laid out and answered for you here. So feel free to comment below if you have any I missed!
A: No catch, besties. I’m tired. Go do you and enjoy, boo.
Q: When are you updating (insert story here)?
A: I’ll let you know when I know. If you are worried about a specific project falling apart or being canceled, I will not leave you hanging. However, if it’s in limbo and I’m focusing on other projects at the moment, then don’t worry! I promise I’ll keep you updated on if I decide I need an extended break because of writer’s block (which the hiatus status will be put on the story) or if it will be canceled (also will show as a status on the story). I will also put it in my monthly check-in post.
Q: Where can I submit typos or formatting issues?
A: I freaking love you already. These things are like cockroaches to me, and I’m constantly finding more and more. You can always highlight it in the specific chapter comments or fill it out anonymously via the contact form here. You can also just send me an email (ruthlessreaders@gmail.com) with it.
Q: Are you making a mobile app for your site/stories?
A: Maaaaaybe…👀
Q: What about print copies? Are you going to include print?
A: I sure will! You will most definitely be seeing the ebook copy way before the print. I will keep you all updated on each individual story as it gets their print copies via my blog. They will be available on the vendors I can submit my work to, such as Amazon 🖤
Q: I want to leave a super secret comment that no one else can see but you and other logged-in folks. Can I?
A: Uh, I mean, sure? There is an option for it, at least! You need to be logged in, but you can make it invisible to the public by toggling the eye icon next to the submit button.
Q: How can I change the theme of the site from dark to light?
A: You can by clicking the icon that looks like a sun in the top right of a computer screen or in the menu of a mobile device.
Q: How do I login?
A: On the desktop, the little icon on the top right of the page. Looks like a door with an arrow. On mobile, select the three lines at the top of the page. Then, locate the icon that is a door with an arrow. This prompts you to connect with one of your socials to login and only really collects the email and your name to make your account or login to your respected account.
Q: I dig the secure login option but I hate how it shows my real name. Can I change that?
A: Sure can, bestie! You can change your displayed username by navigating to your profile (the little user icon in the navigation bar or next to the logout in the comment form).
Q: How can I delete my account?
A: You can by navigating to your profile (the little user icon in the navigation bar or next to the logout in the comment form), which should be the last option you see. However, if you are having trouble with this for any reason, please email me (ruthlessreaders@gmail.com).