Vanessa only had three loves in life. Beauty, her dog, and the sound a man made as she drained him of his blood to create her favorite face mask. However, the knowledge that she used her victims to create her best-selling cosmetics, soaps, and candles also gave her a thrill. Now, her perfect world was threatened as two men, a vampire, and an FBI agent turned stalker, made their unhealthy obsession with her known.
They both knew her secret.
They both knew the other was watching.
They both would do anything in their power to make her theirs.
Note: This is a standalone why choose romance that has DARK themes so it should be read only in the right state of mind. Please take all warnings into consideration since it is graphic and touches on topics that are not suitable for readers under 18.
Want to read it chapter for chapter on my site for free? Read it here.
content warning
Anal, blood play, character death (not a main character), dead bodies and body parts, death of parental figure, depression, drugged sex within pairing, dubious consent, explicit language, forced breeding (no pregnancy), genital mutilation, gore, graphic sex, kidnapping, non-consent within pairing, period cunnilingus, period sex, phone sex, pierced peen, serial killer main character, sex work, sexual assault, somnophilia, stalker main character, taking emergency contraception, tampering with birth control, torture, turning human bodies into cosmetics and paint, and wax play.
Also, a bit of a warning, Vanessa’s thought process about her assault and her victims is very linear. Sexual assault isn’t cookie cutter with the victims and assaulters being a certain gender or assaulters being solely found in a specific environment.
You deserve love and compassion. If you were sexually assaulted and need any help the following organizations are there for you.
Cover art by Atlantis Book Design
Character art by Hadi Kuwat
NSFW art by Ochre Embers
Internal art by Leigh Cover Designs