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    The tension in the movie was so thick I could barely breathe. The heroine was all alone, exploring the dark, creepy attic, and I was on the edge of my seat, clutching the armrests and muttering warnings under my breath.

    “Don’t go in there!” I hissed at the screen. “He’s right behind you!”

    But of course, she didn’t listen. She pushed open the creaky door and stepped into the dusty shadows, oblivious to the danger lurking just out of sight.

    “Oh, come on!” I groaned, throwing my hands up in exasperation. “She’s doomed!”

    As if on cue, a figure emerged from the abyss, wielding a knife that gleamed in the dim light. I screamed and ducked behind my fingers, peeking out cautiously.

    The heroine was no match for the attacker, and within seconds, she was lying on the floor, her eyes wide with terror. The killer raised the knife, and I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to watch.

    But then, there was an abrupt silence. I opened one eye, then the other, and peeked between my fingers. The killer was gone, and the heroine was…still alive?

    I let out a sigh of relief, feeling a wave of adrenaline rush through my body. I had been so caught up in the movie that I had completely forgotten about the popcorn in my lap. I grabbed a handful and stuffed it into my mouth, savoring the sweet, buttery flavor.

    Just as I was settling back into the movie, a movement caught my eye in the corner of the room. I turned my head slowly, and my heart skipped a beat.

    There was a figure standing in the shadows, watching me.

    I couldn’t see their face, but I could feel their eyes on me. They were dark and intense, filled with an unsettling hunger.

    I froze, my breath caught in my throat. The figure didn’t move, but I could feel their presence like a weight on my chest.

    Slowly, the figure raised their hand, and I saw a glint of metal in their grasp.

    My mind raced, trying to make sense of what was happening. Was this real? Was I dreaming?

    Before I could react, the figure lunged forward, and a rag covered my mouth and nose. I struggled against the cloth, but it was no use. The chloroform was stronger than my strength to stay awake.

    The last thing I saw was the figure’s face, twisted into a cruel smile.

    Then, everything went black.

    I blinked awake, my head throbbing, a warm heaviness sinking deep into my bones. I sucked in air and wracked my brain to process my surroundings. I was tied to my own bed, my hands and feet bound in rope, so tight that my circulation was cut off, the only reminder that my limbs still existed. The room was dark, a lone candle flickering next to me, casting dancing shadows on the walls. My eyes tracked the movement, the light and dark jumping around the room, mimicking the beats of my heart.

    My bedroom didn’t look like it had been ransacked, my things were neatly arranged, as if someone had tidied up before they had tied me up. I licked my dry lips and tasted the metallic tang of blood. I swallowed, a lump lodging in my throat, and I craned my neck to see whoever had done this to me.

    A man sat on the edge of my bed, his body looming over mine. He was dressed in black from head to toe, a baseball cap pulled low over his face, his arms crossed against his chest, and his hands tucked away. Even in the dark, I could sense the stillness that seemed to surround him, like he had been waiting for me to wake up.

    I froze and held my breath, my mind whirling to make sense of my situation. Was I really awake? Dreams could feel so real, but the pain… the pain cut through any fog my mind had spun around me. This was different, foreign, and terrifying. I felt like I was on the edge of a ledge, the fall so close that I could feel the emptiness beckoning to me.

    I was convinced that I must be asleep because what else could explain this terrifying turn of events? My mind raced, struggling to make sense of what was happening. I had never had a lucid dream before, but I was desperate to cling to the thought that this couldn’t be real.

    I tried to move, but my body refused to cooperate. I hissed, the frustration rising within me, an all too familiar anger boiling up. I looked up at the man on my bed, this stranger who had invaded my space and threatened my peace.

    “Who are you?” I demanded, my voice tremulous, yet determined. His head snapped up and his eyes, dark and intense, locked onto me, his gaze like a storm cloud, ready to unleash the fury I had only dreamed of before.

    His voice was a hard, gravelly rumble, his words cutting through the air like a knife. “You wrote my story, Cora. So the question is: How do you know me?” He growled, his eyes boring into me.

    I stared at Haides, shocked yet oddly unperturbed. I marveled at how much he looked like I had imagined him. Every detail of his appearance was my creation, from his towering stature and collection of rings to the way his long hair was neatly gathered into a bun. My body melted in relief, being captured by Haides just confirmed I was asleep. He would be exactly who I would want to kidnap me. I licked my lips as I bit back a grin. I was the one in control here, and that was what made this dream so compelling.

    Without warning, he lunged forward. That was something I hadn’t expected. I supposed it must have been a defense mechanism on his part, triggered by my apparent lack of fear. After all, why would I be afraid of a figment of my imagination?

    “Even if I did write about you, why would you care? Who would believe me anyway?” I shrugged. My sharp and piercing chuckle echoed through the air, causing Haides to tense up instantly. His face twisted with rage, and his eyes narrowed, demanding that I show him the respect he believed he deserved. But how could I when he looked so delicious?

    He rose to his feet, looming over me. I had no doubt that, in reality, he would have been terrifying, but in the dream, he was just an obstacle, someone to be dealt with and bypassed. I eyed him up and down, refusing to let my fear show.

    “You’re delusional,” Haides snarled. “You had a choice. You could have left me out of your sick fantasies. But instead you chose to make me a part of your twisted fantasy and make a fan fiction of my life. And I want to know why.”

    I pursed my lips, feigning pique. “Well, Haides, you have a lot to offer from a writer’s perspective. You’re rich, tortured, and charming in all the right places. It was a no-brainer for me.” I punctuated my words with audacious winks, and Haides looked like he might explode.

    “Flattery won’t get you anywhere with me, Cora. I want the truth. And unless you tell me, I’ll find another way to make you talk.”

    Haides was threatening, but there was a sense of invincibility in my head, and I let it fill me with courage as I studied his face. His eyes, a fierce emerald blaze, burned with fury. The deep scowl etched across his face was a warning of the tempest brewing within. His clenched fists tightened, ready to unleash his wrath upon me.

    I leaned forward as much as my restraints allowed, my eyes fixed on his. “If I wasn’t mistaken, I’d think you’re flirting with me,” I whispered in a teasing, alluring tone. Haides adjusted his clenching fist allowing his palm to open and close with his breath, but his eyes remained on mine, avidly awaiting my next move. I licked my lips in what I hoped was a seductive manner.

    He leaned in close, his breath hot on my face as he snarled. “Don’t play games with me, you little bitch. I know your game: you’re using me for some sick, twisted fantasy of yours, and you think this will amuse me.”

    I smiled sweetly at him and winked. “Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. But don’t you want to find out?” I whispered, my voice low and seductive.

    He growled low in his throat and backed away from me. For a moment, I thought he was going to kill me right then and there, but instead, he crossed to the other side of the room and began to pace, muttering to himself.

    I could hear him talking to himself, though I couldn’t make out the exact words. He kept using terms like “perverse” and “sick.” I couldn’t help but feel a little smug. I had found a way to get under his skin, and he didn’t like it.

    Suddenly, he stopped pacing and turned to look at me. “I will find out the answers,” he said, his voice cold and menacing. “I will make you tell me everything you know. And when I’m done with you, you’ll beg for me to end it.”

    “You already have me bound. But I’ll happily beg anytime you want, Daddy.” I purred.

    Haides recoiled, and with a huff, he turned and stomped out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I was still in shock, but my heart was racing with both excitement and fear. I was playing with fire, but in my dream, I felt unstoppable.

    What’s your favorite scary movie? To be honest mine is a revolving door and it depends on my mood 💀 But Five comfort horror movies are Happy Death Day, World War Z, Oculus, Jeepers Creepers, and Train to Busan.

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