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    I pulled my hoodie tighter as I entered the diner, my eyes scanned the room for any potential threats. The smell of greasy food and stale coffee hung in the air, but I had grown accustomed to worse stenches. I took a seat in the far corner, my back against the wall, and ordered a black coffee when the waitress approached. My leg bounced anxiously as I waited, sipping the bitter liquid as I watched the door.

    A woman with long blonde hair walked in, her heels clicking against the tiled floor. She surveyed the room before locking eyes with me, a knowing smirk played on her painted lips. My heart pounded as she approached, sliding into the booth across from me.

    “Can I get you anything, ma’am?” The waitress asked, her voice grating on my nerves.

    “A hot tea and a slice of that chocolate cake, please,” the woman purred, her voice like silk.

    The waitress scurried off, and an uncomfortable silence fell between us. I studied the woman’s features, taking in her sharp cheekbones and piercing blue eyes. She exuded an aura of power and danger, and I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of unease.

    The waitress returned with the tea and cake, setting them down in front of the woman. She took a delicate bite, savoring the sweetness, before fixing me with her gaze.

    “Haides Anastos,” she said, her voice low. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person.”

    I tensed at the sound of my name, my fingers tightening around the mug. “And you are?”

    She smiled, a predatory gleam in her eyes. “Selena. I believe you’ve heard of me.”

    I knew the name Selena well. She was a legend in the dark corners of the internet, a queen of the macabre digital underworld. Her reputation preceded her, and the power she wielded online was no secret. As she sat across from me, her presence was like a heavy fog, enveloping everything in its chilling embrace.

    “Selena,” I echoed, the name tasting of danger on my tongue. “I’ve heard whispers.”

    She delicately sipped her tea, her eyes never leaving mine. “Then you know I’m not one to be trifled with.” Her gaze was piercing, cutting through the shadows I often hid within.

    I nodded, my grip on the coffee mug steady despite the turmoil inside me. “Why are we meeting?”

    She set her cup down with a soft clink. “We have a common enemy, Haides. Someone has been digging, exposing secrets that should’ve remained hidden. They used Cora’s… delusions to get to you.” There was an unexpected softness in her voice when she mentioned Cora, a flicker of sympathy that seemed out of place.

    “Cora,” I murmured, the name a bitter reminder of my carelessness. Yet, as Selena spoke of her, a spark of curiosity ignited within me.

    Selena’s lips curled into a playful smile. “Oh, poor, sweet Cora. She’s quite the character, isn’t she?” She chuckled, her eyes alight with amusement when she realized I had no idea what she was talking about. “You didn’t know? She’s alive, Haides. And she’s been telling everyone that the two of you are an item.”

    My heart stopped, the world around me blurring into a haze of disbelief. Cora was alive? It was a paradoxical feeling, both terrifying and invigorating. I fumbled for my phone, my fingers shaking as I logged into my social media account. There it was, clear as day: a life event update tagging me in a relationship with Cora Lappa. My mind raced, the implications of her survival crashing down on me like a ton of bricks.

    Selena watched me with a twisted sense of glee, her laughter ringing out in the diner, drawing curious glances from other patrons. “You should see your face,” she managed between fits of laughter.

    I was too stunned to care about the attention we were drawing. Cora was alive. The woman I had left for dead was not only alive but had also spun our twisted encounter into a public relationship. It was absurd, yet a part of me reveled in the audacity of it all.

    My heart raced, a mix of excitement and relief coursing through my veins at the revelation that Cora was alive. I schooled my features, not wanting Selena to see the effect this news had on me. I couldn’t let her know how much Cora had come to mean to me, how her words had touched a part of me I thought was long dead.

    “Alive, huh?” I say, my voice carefully neutral. “Guess I underestimated her.” I take a sip of my coffee, the bitter liquid grounding me.

    Selena didn’t even try to hide her snicker shocking me to look back up at her.

    “You find this amusing?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

    Selena finally composed herself, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. “Oh, Haides, you have no idea the entertainment value Cora has provided. She’s quite funny, actually. But that’s not why we’re here.” Her expression hardened, the playful demeanor fading away. “I have a proposition for you. Help me find the one responsible for leaking your information, and I’ll help you regain control of your narrative. We can’t afford to have our secrets exposed.”

    I leaned back in the booth, my mind reeling from the revelations of the day. Cora was alive, and Selena, the enigmatic powerhouse of the dark web, was offering me an alliance. It was a chance to reclaim my position, to hunt down the one who had dared to manipulate me.

    “Why should I trust you?” I asked, my gaze locked onto hers.

    Selena leaned forward, her voice a low growl. “Because, Haides, we’re two sides of the same coin. And because I never want to find myself in your position. I didn’t want to admit it at first, but you were good at hiding your secrets and the fact someone was able to find them and expose them so brilliantly…” She paused her sentence with a full body shudder.

    I considered her words, the weight of the situation pressing down on me. I had choices to make, allies to choose, and a storm to weather. It seemed Selena had just tossed me the life raft I had been praying for. Even if she double crossed me, she couldn’t make my situation any worse.

    “I’m in. What’s your plan?”

    Selena delicately lifted her teacup to her lips, her eyes never leaving mine as she took a slow sip. She sets the cup down with a soft clink, a satisfied hum escaping her. She dabbed at the corners of her mouth with a napkin before fixing me with a look that sent a shiver down my spine.

    “Haides, darling,” she says, her voice dripping with faux sweetness, “don’t you worry about your precious reputation. I’ll handle it.” She waves her hand dismissively, as if the task was as simple as swatting a fly. “In the meantime, just lay low. No dropping any bodies until I give the all clear, alright?”

    I nod, my throat tightening. Her casual mention of my… extracurricular activities in such a public setting is unsettling, yet I find myself trusting her expertise in this realm.

    “And Haides?” She leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Have a little fun with Cora. After all, she’s quite taken with you.”

    Before I could respond, Selena stood, her coat billowing around her like a dark, ethereal cloak. She dropped a hundred-dollar bill onto the table, the crisp paper fluttering to rest beside the half-eaten slice of cake.

    “Consider our meeting a gift,” she said with a wink, before turning on her heel and striding toward the door.

    I sat in stunned silence, watching as she disappeared into the gloom outside. The sound of the bell above the door echoed in the quiet diner, which seemed almost out of place compared to the surreal encounter I’d just had.

    I was left with the check and the weight of my decisions pressing heavily upon me. Selena’s words replayed in my mind, her assurances mingling with the nagging doubt that I had just made a deal with the devil herself. Yet, there was a certain allure to the chaos she promised to orchestrate on my behalf.

    Selena’s dominion over the digital underworld was unmatched, and her offer to protect my identity was not one to take lightly. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had been backed into a corner, my options dwindling with each passing moment. But if there was one thing I’d learned in this life, it was how to navigate the shadows, to dance with danger, and come out on top.

    The thought of Cora, alive and tangled in this web of deceit, sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through my veins. Selena’s parting words echoed in my mind, her suggestion to have fun with Cora both intriguing and alarming. My feelings for Cora were complicated, a volatile mixture of fascination, guilt, and an inexplicable pull that I couldn’t seem to escape.

    I took a deep breath, trying to steady the tumultuous sea of thoughts crashing against the walls of my mind. I had my orders: lay low, no bodies, and play along with Cora’s charade. It was a delicate balance, one that would require all of my cunning and restraint.

    As I rose from the booth, I couldn’t help but wonder what game Selena was playing. But for now, I would follow her lead, bide my time, and wait for the all clear. After all, this wasn’t the first time I’d danced with darkness, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

    I left the diner, the bell above the door echoing my departure. The cool air outside did little to clear my head, the weight of my new alliance sitting heavy on my shoulders. The world around me continued on, oblivious to the undercurrents of power and deception that had just reshaped my life.

    With Selena at the helm, I could only hope that the storm on the horizon would pass quickly, and that when the dust settled, I would still recognize the man staring back at me in the mirror. But for now, I had a role to play, a reputation to uphold, and a woman whose very existence had thrown my world into chaos.

    The game was afoot, and I must be ready to face whatever comes next.

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