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    The kitchen was a battlefield of ingredients, and I was a soldier unaccustomed to the terrain. I stood at the kitchen counter, my hands covered in a mixture of ricotta, mozzarella, and parmesan cheese. Cora was beside me, her brow furrowed in concentration as she layered noodles into the baking dish with the precision of a surgeon. The scent of garlic and onions simmering in the saucepan filled the room, mingling with the aroma of fresh basil.

    “You sure you’ve never done this before?” Cora asked, a playful smirk on her lips as she watched me attempt to spread the cheese mixture evenly.

    I shot her a look, feigning insult. “Just because I’m not a professional like you doesn’t mean I can’t handle a little lasagna.”

    She laughed, the sound light and melodic. “A little lasagna? This is a serious operation. We’re feeding the most important person in my life, besides you and Callie.”

    The weight of her words settled over me, and I paused, the cheese-covered spoon hovering in mid-air. “I’m honored to be part of this culinary mission, then.”

    Cora’s eyes met mine, and there was a warmth in them that I hadn’t expected. “You should be. My mom’s lasagna is legendary. If we mess this up, we’ll never hear the end of it.”

    I chuckled, returning to my task with renewed determination. “No pressure, then.”

    We worked in silence for a moment, the only sound the occasional clink of utensils against the baking dish. I snuck glances at Cora, watching the way her hair fell into her face as she leaned over the counter, how her lips pursed when she was deep in thought.

    “So, tell me more about this legendary lasagna,” I said, eager to keep her talking.

    Cora’s face lit up as she began to recount stories of past family dinners, her mother’s culinary prowess, and the many attempts she had made to replicate her recipes over the years. Emphasizing that other than enjoying nature together, a meal between her and her mom was the only time they had to bond, so meals were so important to their little family. I listened, absorbing every detail, every inflection in her voice. It was then I truly understood just how important this dinner was to all of us. It wasn’t just food shared between people or even a formal introduction but rather an induction into the family itself.

    As we finished assembling the lasagna and slid it into the oven, Cora turned to me, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “You know, if this goes well, you might just become a regular at our family dinners.”

    I raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on my lips while my heart skipped at what she was suggesting. “Is that so? And what would I have to do to earn such a prestigious title?”

    She stepped closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Just be yourself. That’s more than enough for us.”

    The sincerity in her words struck a chord within me, and I found myself at a loss for words. I settled for pulling her into a tight embrace, breathing in the scent of her hair.

    “Thank you, Cora,” I murmured into her hair. “For bringing me into your world.”

    She pulled back, her eyes locking onto mine. “Always, Haides. Always.”

    As we waited for the lasagna to cook, we fell into an easy rhythm, cleaning up the kitchen together and stealing kisses whenever we found ourselves alone. It was domestic, mundane even, but there was a comfort in it that I hadn’t known I was missing.

    The smell of garlic and tomato sauce hung heavy in the air, a comforting blanket that did little to ease the tension building in my chest. I sat at the dining table across from Cora, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The lasagna we’d spent the afternoon preparing sat between us, steam curling from its cheesy surface.

    “Cora, honey, I’m home!” The front door clicked shut, and a moment later, Dimitra appeared in the doorway, her eyes wide with surprise as they landed on me. “And who is this?”

    Cora rose from her chair, her hand reaching out to steady herself. “Mom, this is Haides. Haides, my mom, Dimitra.”

    I stood, extending my hand toward her. Dimitra’s gaze lingered on my outstretched hand before she finally accepted it, her grip firm but her expression guarded. “Nice to meet you, Haides.”

    “The pleasure is mine, Ms. Lappa,” I replied, releasing her hand and resuming my seat.

    Dimitra’s eyes flicked between Cora and me as she hung her coat and settled into her chair at the head of the table. “So, Haides, Cora tells me you’re a school counselor.”

    I nodded, cutting into my lasagna. “Yes, ma’am. It’s rewarding work.”

    “I’ll bet,” Dimitra said, her voice laced with an undercurrent of suspicion. “And how did you and Cora meet?”

    Cora jumped in before I could answer. “We met through a mutual friend. Isn’t that right, Haides?”

    I shot Cora a grateful look before turning back to Dimitra. “That’s correct. It’s been a few months now.”

    Dimitra pursed her lips, her eyes never leaving me. “Interesting. And what do you do for fun, Haides?”

    I felt the weight of her scrutiny, but I kept my voice even. “I enjoy hiking, reading, and I’m quite fond of chess.”

    “Ah, a man of many talents,” Dimitra said, the corners of her mouth twitching in a semblance of a smile. “Cora mentioned you’re also quite the chef.”

    I chuckled, glancing at Cora. “I wouldn’t say that. Cora did most of the work with the lasagna. I was just her sous-chef.”

    “Hmm,” Dimitra hummed, her eyes narrowing slightly. “And what about your family, Haides? Do they live around here?”

    I felt a twinge of discomfort at the question, but I maintained my composure. “My mother and father passed away years ago, and I don’t have any siblings.”

    A moment of silence passed, the clinking of cutlery against plates the only sound. Dimitra’s gaze softened ever so slightly. “I’m sorry to hear that, Haides. Family is important.”

    “I agree,” I said, meeting her gaze. “Which is why I’m grateful to be here, sharing a meal with you and Cora.”

    Dimitra’s lips pressed into a thin line, and I could tell she was struggling to reconcile her protective instincts with the need to be a gracious host. “Well, we’re glad to have you, Haides. Just remember, Cora is my world. I expect anyone who’s important to her to treat her with the respect and care she deserves.”

    I nodded, my voice earnest. “You have my word, Ms. Lappa. Cora means a great deal to me.”

    Cora reached over, placing her hand on top of mine, her touch a silent reassurance. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze, a silent promise that I would do everything in my power to protect her, even from the skepticism of her own mother.

    As the meal continued, Dimitra’s questions became less probing, and the atmosphere around the table began to thaw. The tension didn’t completely dissipate, but it was clear that Dimitra was making an effort to accept me, for Cora’s sake. And I, in turn, would do whatever it took to prove that I was worthy of her trust.

    As I stood in the small, dimly lit bathroom, the weight of the moment pressed down on me. The porcelain sink felt cool against my palms as I leaned in, steeling myself for the task at hand. I could still hear the faint murmur of voices from the other room—Cora and her mother, Dimitra, sharing stories and laughter, completely unaware of the silent storm brewing within these four walls.

    Carefully, I opened the mirrored cabinet, my fingers brushing against the familiar pink packaging of Cora’s birth control. The sound of my own heartbeat thrummed in my ears, a steady drumbeat that seemed to echo off the tiled walls. I had never felt more alive, more in control.

    With meticulous precision, I replaced the small, white pills with the placebos I had brought with me. Each tiny tablet felt heavy with potential, with the promise of a future that was inextricably entwined with my own. The thought of Cora, round with my child, sent a jolt of raw desire coursing through me, and I felt my body respond in kind.

    The idea of her bearing my mark, of there being a connection between us that no one could sever, was intoxicating. It was a primal need, a desperate longing to possess her fully, to ensure that she would always have a part of me with her. I wanted to bind her to me in every conceivable way, to make her mine forever.

    I paused, the packet of placebos in my hand, and allowed myself a moment to revel in the fantasy. I imagined Cora’s belly swollen with life, her brown eyes shining with a mix of love and apprehension as she gazed up at me. I would be there for her, every step of the way, a silent guardian ensuring the safety of both her and our child.

    A rush of possessive pride washed over me, and I closed my eyes, savoring the sensation. The thought of Cora carrying a piece of me inside her was enough to make me painfully hard. I wanted her, needed her, in a way that was nerve-racking.

    But I knew I had to temper these desires, to keep them hidden beneath a veil of normalcy. I couldn’t let Cora or her mother see the sickness that lurked beneath my carefully constructed facade. So, I took a deep breath, composing myself before slipping the packet back into the cabinet and closing the door with a soft click.

    As I washed my hands, I caught my reflection in the mirror. There was a fierceness in my eyes, a glint of steel that betrayed the ruthless determination that simmered just below the surface. I was a man on the edge of something monumental, a man who would stop at nothing to claim what was rightfully his.

    With one last glance at the closed cabinet, I exited the bathroom, my mind already racing with plans for the future. Cora would never suspect a thing, and by the time she realized what had happened, it would be too late. She would be tied to me in the most intimate way possible, and I would finally have the family I had always longed for.

    The sound of Cora’s laughter drifted toward me as I made my way back to the dining room, a sweet melody that seemed to herald the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. I smiled, the anticipation of what was to come making it difficult to focus on the present. But I forced myself to remain engaged, to play the part of the attentive boyfriend, all while the seeds of our future were taking root just a few feet away.

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