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    I could feel the flush of my skin, the lingering aftershocks of pleasure still pulsing through me as I watched Haides walk away, his stride confident and unfazed by what we’d just done. The man had the audacity to make me come in the middle of a bookstore, for crying out loud. I had to hand it to him; he certainly knew how to keep things interesting.

    As soon as he disappeared around the corner, I sprang into action. I had a mission of my own, one that I needed to accomplish before he returned. I slipped away from our secluded nook in the literature section and made a beeline for the Parenthood aisle. My heart was racing, not just from the adrenaline of our recent rendezvous, but from the fear of being caught—again, but for entirely different reasons.

    I scanned the shelves, my fingers brushing against the spines of countless books until they landed on the one I was looking for: “The Conception Guide: A Step-by-Step Journey to Pregnancy.” I snatched it up, feeling a twinge of guilt. Haides was a master hacker; he could easily access my search history or emails if I were to order something like this online. But a physical book? That would be my little secret for now.

    Clutching the book to my chest, I hurried to the register. My arms were shaking, and I couldn’t stop my eyes from darting around the store, paranoid that someone might catch me in the act. At the last minute, I grabbed a beautifully bound journal from the checkout display. If Haides or Callie asked, I could always say it was for jotting down story ideas.

    I paid for my purchases with cash, ensuring there was no paper trail, and quickly stashed the books in my purse. I let out a sigh of relief, feeling like I’d just completed a covert operation.

    That’s when I heard it—the high-pitched squeal that could only belong to one person. “Cora!” Callie’s voice rang out, and before I knew it, she had me in a bear hug from behind, nearly scaring the life out of me.

    “Jesus, Callie!” I gasped, my heart doing somersaults in my chest. “You trying to give me a heart attack?”

    She released me, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Oh, come on, it’s not every day we get to play out a real-life romance novel!” She linked her arm with mine, oblivious to the fact that I was still recovering from our bookstore escapade—and my recent act of subterfuge.

    “You have to see the pictures the blogger took,” she gushed, not waiting for my answer. “They look amazing! I can’t wait until the post goes live later today. You and Haides are going to break the internet!”

    I forced a smile, silently praying that none of the photos captured the exact moment I lost all control on Haides’ cock. “I’m sure they’ll be great,” I said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

    Callie chattered on about the publicity plan, but I was only half-listening. My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of what might happen if Haides found out about my secret purchase. Would he be angry? Or would he be just as excited as I was to step into this new chapter with me? There was only one way to know for sure.

    But for now, I’d keep my little conception guide tucked away in my purse, along with the hope that soon, very soon, I’d have a piece of Haides that neither he nor anyone else could take away from me. But first, I had to make sure we didn’t get caught—and with Callie’s sharp eyes and Haides’ investigative skills, that was easier said than done.

    As Callie continued to excitedly detail our plan’s unfolding success, I felt the familiar shiver of Haides’ presence before I saw him. I turned, and there he was, striding toward us with an intensity that always made my pulse quicken.

    “Ladies,” he greeted us, his voice a low rumble that sent a thrill through me. He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close to his side. I could feel the heat of his body, the solidness of him, and I had to resist the urge to melt into his embrace right then and there.

    “Haides,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper, “you’re back.”

    He tilted his head, studying me with an inscrutable gaze. “Did you miss me, Cora?” he asked, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

    I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks, and I was grateful for the bookstore’s ambient noise, which hopefully drowned out the pounding of my heart. “Maybe just a little,” I admitted, and his smile widened.

    Callie, seemingly oblivious to the undercurrents between us, waved her phone in front of our faces. “You two are going to go viral,” she announced, showing us a photo of Haides and me sitting in the armchair, him with his head bent toward mine as I read from a book. It looked cozy, intimate, and I felt a warmth spreading through me as I remembered the feel of his hands on me, hidden beneath the sundress I was still wearing.

    Haides glanced at the photo, then back at me, his eyes darkening with a remembered desire. “Is that so?” he murmured, his hand slipping lower to grip my hip possessively. I nodded, and his attention shifted to Callie. “You’ve done well, Callie,” he said, and I could tell she was pleased by his praise.

    We made our way to the exit, Haides’ arm still around me, his touch a constant reminder of our connection—a connection I hoped would soon be strengthened by something far more tangible than our shared passion for danger and desire.

    As we stepped out into the afternoon sun, I felt the weight of the books in my purse, a secret that might very well change everything. I glanced up at Haides, wondering how he would react if he knew what I was planning, what I was dreaming of. Would he see it as a betrayal, or as the ultimate expression of the trust and love that was growing between us, despite—or perhaps because of—the chaos that surrounded us?

    We said our goodbyes to Callie, and Haides and I walked to his car in silence. I knew there would be time to talk, to share our thoughts and plans, but for now, I was content to just be with him, to savor the quiet moments that seemed all the more precious amidst the uncertainty of our lives.

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