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    I woke up with a start, my senses instantly on high alert. It was the slight pressure on my chest that I noticed first, the warmth of skin on skin. My eyelids fluttered open, and there she was, Cora, straddling me, her brown eyes gleaming with mischief and something more potent, more possessive. My heart thundered in my chest, not from fear, but from the raw, primal desire that coursed through my veins.

    I was bound to the bed, my wrists and ankles secured to the posts with silken ties. A gag restrained my tongue, rendering me momentarily speechless, though I wasn’t sure I’d speak even if I could. Cora was a vision above me, her wavy brown hair cascaded over her shoulders, her cheeks flushed with the same arousal that was quickly pooling in my lower belly.

    She was naked, her curves on full display, and I drank in the sight of her, my gaze traced the soft swell of her breasts, the gentle dip of her waist, the flare of her hips. She was all creamy skin and delicious feminine contours, and I couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty of her form, the way her body seemed to glow in the soft morning light.

    Cora leaned forward, her hands splayed across my chest, and I felt the heat of her palms through the fabric of the gag. “You’re mine, Haides,” she whispered, her voice a sultry caress that sent shivers down my spine. “And I’m never letting you go. Not ever.”

    There was a part of me that wanted to smirk, to tell her that she wouldn’t hear any complaints from me. But the gag kept me silent, and all I could do was communicate with my eyes, letting her see the truth of my desire, the acknowledgment of her claim.

    She began to move, her lips trailing a path down my body. She kissed the column of my throat, nipped at my collarbone, and then her mouth was on my chest, her teeth scraping against my nipple. I couldn’t help but arch into her touch, a low growl of approval rumbling in my throat.

    Her lips were soft and warm, a stark contrast to the cool air that kissed my skin wherever her mouth had been. She took her time, savoring every inch of me, and I was left to endure the sweet torment of her exploration.

    When she finally reached my cock, I was already hard, aching for her touch. She paused, her gaze lingering on the Jacob’s ladder piercing that adorned my length. A slow, wicked smile curved her lips, and she met my eyes, her own filled with a heat that threatened to consume us both.

    “I love your piercing,” she purred, her fingers ghosting over the barbells. “Your cock is so big, and when you’re inside me, I can feel every little barbell. It drives me wild.”

    Her words were a direct hit to my groin, and I couldn’t stop the shudder that ripped through me.

    Cora continued, her voice dropping to a husky whisper. “Do you remember the library? The way I warmed your cock with my tight pussy, how you filled me so completely? It’s a memory I revisit often when I’m alone, my fingers working desperately to recreate the feeling of you inside me.”

    I was desperate for her, for the feeling of her tight heat enveloping me, for the connection that’d been simmering between us since the moment we met.

    Cora’s hand wrapped around my shaft, her grip firm and confident. She stroked me leisurely, her touch light and teasing, and I was helpless to do anything but feel. The sensation of her skin against mine, coupled with the visual of her above me, was almost too much to bear.

    I was completely at her mercy, bound and gagged, my body hers to command. And as she lowered her head, her intention clear, I couldn’t help but anticipate the warmth of her mouth, the wet slide of her tongue, the exquisite pleasure that was about to engulf me.

    I was practically whimpering beneath Cora, the need for release clawing at my insides with a ferocity that was both terrifying and exhilarating. She was a vision of sensual torment, her hair a wild halo around her face, her eyes alight with a wicked gleam. Every time she pulled away, denying me the friction I so desperately craved, I felt like I was being torn apart, piece by agonizing piece.

    She leaned in, her breath hot against my ear. “You belong to me, Haides,” she growled, the sound vibrating through my very soul. “Every sound you make, every movement you allow yourself, every single moment of pleasure—it’s all mine. And your orgasms? They’re mine, too.”

    Her words were a brand, searing themselves into my flesh, marking me as hers in a way that was far more potent than any physical scar. I was bound, both literally and figuratively, to this incredible woman who was unraveling me stitch by stitch.

    Cora’s mouth trailed down my chest, each kiss a sweet agony that had my hips bucking against the restraints. She was relentless, her hands and lips mapped out a path of devastation that I was all too willing to endure. She’d driven me to the brink, only to pull back at the last possible second, leaving me teetering on the edge of an abyss that was both terrifying and utterly irresistible.

    I could feel the wetness of her arousal against my thigh, a tangible reminder of the effect I had on her, even as she wielded her power over me with an expertise that left me breathless. The scent of her desire permeated the air, a heady perfume that made my head spin and my cock twitch with need.

    She moved lower, her tongue tracing the outline of my piercing, each barbell a point of exquisite sensation that sent shockwaves of pleasure rippling through my body. I gasped for air, my lungs working overtime as I struggled to maintain some semblance of control. But Cora was in charge here, and she was not about to let me off easy.

    Her fingers dug into my hips, to hold me in place as she took me into her mouth, the heat and wetness nearly undoing me right then and there. She sucked hard, her tongue swirling around the head of my cock, and I couldn’t stop the desperate, needy sounds that spilled from my lips, each one a testament to her dominion over my body.

    Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, she pulled away, her eyes locked on mine as she licked her lips, savoring the taste of me. “Not yet, my love,” she murmured, her voice a sultry purr that made my toes curl. “I want to savor this, to draw it out until you’re practically sobbing with need.”

    And that was exactly what she did. She tortured me with her touch, her kiss, her words, each moment stretched out into an eternity of longing. I was hers, heart and soul, and she knew it. She owned it. She owned me.

    Finally, when I was practically begging with my eyes, she straddled me once more, her hand guiding me to her entrance. She was so wet, so ready, and I was so desperate for her that I could barely think straight.

    She sank down onto me, her body stretched to accommodate my girth, and the feeling was so intense, so overwhelming, that I couldn’t hold back the sob that ripped from my throat. It was a sound of pure, unadulterated need, a plea for the release that only she could give me.

    Cora smiled down at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of love and lust that took my breath away. “That’s it, Haides,” she whispered, her voice laced with satisfaction. “Let go. Surrender to it. Because this orgasm? It’s mine, and I’m going to use it to knock me up.”

    And with that, she started to move, her body undulating above me in a rhythm that made my eyes cross. I couldn’t deny the irony that she was trying to get pregnant after I switched out her birth control. Maybe I’d keep that little fact to myself.

    Soon, I was lost in her, consumed by her, and as I finally reached the peak, as my world shattered into a million glittering pieces, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was right. Every sound, every movement, every moment of pleasure—it was all hers. I was all hers. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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