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      Chapter 4

      by Quinn Hawthorne I stormed out of the office building, the cool autumn air hitting me like a slap to the face. I needed the slap. Hell, I deserved it after wasting an hour of my life listening to those corporate tools talk down to me like I was some punk-ass kid. I could still see their smug faces, hear their rehearsed condescension: Your look doesn't fit our corporate culture. I scoffed, pulling my jacket tighter around me. It wasn’t like I expected the job to go well, but fuck, did they have to be so—so…
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      Chapter 3

      by Quinn Hawthorne I pushed through the heavy doors of the corporate building, praying my thrift-store blazer wouldn’t wrinkle into oblivion under the suffocating humidity. First impressions were everything, right? Well, let’s hope looking like a goth Morticia Addams would give me some points. After all, who wouldn’t hire someone who screamed “I do my best work in the shadows”? The receptionist eyed me like I’d strolled in dressed for Halloween. I offered her my best fake smile as I followed her down a long,…
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      Chapter 2

      by Quinn Hawthorne . I strolled into the dimly lit bar, the smoky haze curling around the low lighting, giving everything a familiar, gritty warmth. The place was buzzing with the usual mix of demons, half-breeds, and other unsavory characters that crawled through the underworld. My body still ached from the latest assignment Lucian had sent me on. I was low on energy, but not so low that I couldn’t make it through one more night without feeding. Besides, I wasn’t in the mood to indulge just yet. Sliding onto a worn…
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      Chapter 1

      by Quinn Hawthorne I cracked one eye open, the bright morning sunlight already searing my retinas. Ugh, another day, another dollar. Or in my case, another day of being a glorified nursing home attendant to my dear, sweet grandmama. I rolled over, my head pounding from last night's bottle of cheap cabernet. The Mothman stared back at me from his rightful place on my wall, his beady eyes judging me for my life choices. "Mornin' to you too, Mothey," I grumbled, reaching for the grimy, chipped mug of lukewarm tea on my…
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