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      Chapter 4

      by Quinn Hawthorne   As I trudged along the path back to Scarlet's house, it felt like the weight of the entire world pressed down on my chest, each step heavier than the last. The brittle warmth of the fading sun offered no comfort, only casting long, ominous shadows across the ground. The air, thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, warned of the encroaching fall, but the breeze that rustled the branches above felt unnatural—like something darker stirring in the distance. The world seemed to…
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      Chapter 3

      by Quinn Hawthorne The hallway stretched before me, a narrow river of faded linoleum teeming with a familiar species of adolescent angst. Lockers, adorned with a palette of bright stickers and Sharpie-drawn graffiti, stood along the banks, their metallic doors slamming shut like the jaws of indifferent beasts. I was back in high school. I never dreamed in my worst nightmares that I would be back as a student in one. I clutched my books tighter to my chest, a makeshift shield against the curious and indifferent glances cast…
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      Chapter 2

      by Quinn Hawthorne I stood there for a moment, just breathing in the stale air of Scarlet's room, feeling the weight of my new reality pressing down on me. This wasn't just a room; it was a crypt, a mausoleum where the remnants of a girl's life lay scattered like forgotten relics. And I was the unwilling archaeologist tasked with sifting through the ruins. Methodically, I began to explore the space. The room was a canvas of teenage rebellion and hidden depths. Band posters adorned the walls, their edges curling away from…
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      Chapter 1

      by Quinn Hawthorne The precinct buzzed with the frantic energy of a hive under attack, phones ringing, voices overlapping in a symphony of urgency. I stood in the eye of the storm, my gaze locked on the incident board, a map of the city scarred with colored pins marking crime scenes. My city. My case. My promotion on the line. "Poppy, you've been at it for 36 hours straight," my partner, Mike, leaned against the desk, his face etched with concern. "Go home, get some sleep." I shot him a glare that could freeze lava.…
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      Howling Intro

      by Quinn Hawthorne
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      Healing Intro

      by Quinn Hawthorne
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      Hunting Intro

      by Quinn Hawthorne
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