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      Chapter 7

      by Quinn Hawthorne I was sprawled across the worn-out sofa in the common room, the glow of my phone casting a soft light on my face. The chatter around me was a familiar symphony, punctuated by the occasional burst of laughter or the clink of mugs on the coffee table. It was one of those rare evenings where the weight of impending exams hadn't yet suffocated the air with tension. My fingers scrolled mindlessly through my feed, a stream of memes and magic theory debates, when a pair of names sliced through the noise,…
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      Chapter 6

      by Quinn Hawthorne Nick closed the door behind him, and I wrung my hands because I couldn’t contain my energy. I grabbed my arm in irritation. He doesn’t face me right away; instead, he stares at the closed door. A pregnant moment birthed the worst moment of my life. “I can’t do this anymore.” He can’t do this anymore? I knew this moment was coming. It was the last few weeks before the end of the year. We had discussed this day since the beginning but I thought I had time. I thought we had time. I swallowed…
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      Chapter 4

      by Quinn Hawthorne “Do you have a question you’d like answered?” I asked, kind of half hoping he did so I didn’t have to guess the topic, while the other half of me hoped he didn’t so I didn’t get an impossible question to completely bullshit. His eyes zeroed in on me, and he was quick to put his face back behind his professional mask, giving me a small smile, and shaking his head. “No, please do any kind of reading you find appropriate.” I smiled back at him and gave a single nod. I took another deep…
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      Chapter 5

      by Quinn Hawthorne Closing my textbook, I sat back in my chair with a sigh. I was finally done with my final paper. I’m so glad the professor opted to have us write a paper instead of an exam, even a practical exam. Just theory on an original spell. I chose a spell that, in theory, will be a great asset to researchers. Having the ability to transfer handwritten notes and older books into a digital format for easier archives. Since laptops aren’t allowed during class, I was sick of always typing the things I had already…
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      Chapter 3

      by Quinn Hawthorne “Come on, class! Take your seats. We will start your final exam in ten minutes!” Professor Ludwig shouted over the noise. Students were scattered throughout the classroom, talking to their friends. Professor Ludwig left the classroom probably to get Headmaster Brightwen. The Headmaster was obsessed with divination and always tended to join each class’ final exams. The rumor was that the Headmaster attended to see that if any vision came about, he would be there to witness it. There were many theories…
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      Chapter 2

      by Quinn Hawthorne Nick Cortez has been my best friend since I was young. He was there for me before school even began, teaching me what I was and providing me with everything I could ever need. My parents weren’t well off, but Nick, being from an old money family, was always willing to take care of me. Nick presented three years ago as an alpha, which made sense because he liked to mother me regardless of whether he even knew my secondary gender. The thing about Nick is that I was helplessly and completely in love with…
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      Chapter 1

      by Quinn Hawthorne The dreams were back. The haunting echo of a chilling laugh, cold and malicious, stayed with me. My muscles ached with the phantom strain of flight, the memory of clashing with shadowy beasts in the dark. These dreams were no mere night terrors; they left their evidence, like the purplish imprints of fingers that seemed to have dug into the flesh of my arm, a tender neck as if hands had truly sought to silence me. Last night, my subconscious had staged a relentless hunt, my pulse racing in sync with the…
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      The Untethering

      by Quinn Hawthorne Outside of the walls of Awakening University, the light, shadows, and darkness wage an eternal war. However, while I walked these halls, I was already fighting to survive.
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