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    With the sun’s descent, suffocating darkness settled, intensifying my desperation, as I realized that Haides was probably awake by now, his stomach rumbling, his eyes searching desperately for his absent morning sustenance. My heart pounded in my chest as I clutched the steering wheel, stress-eating the bread and Danish I had picked up from the grocery store. Tears streamed down my face, mixing with the taste of sweet pastry and desperation.

    The path ahead glared back at me, a pitch-black ribbon of frustration that my headlights struggled to pierce through. I felt lost and alone, my fear growing with every passing mile. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, the car’s fuel gauge caught my eye, the needle hovering dangerously close to empty.

    Panic set in as I frantically searched for a gas station or any sign of civilization. But the night swallowed everything, leaving me stranded and terrified. With no other choice, I pulled over to the side of the road, the car shuddering to a stop.

    Crawling into the backseat, I curled up into a ball, trying to make myself as small as possible. As I closed my eyes, I prayed that when I woke up, I would be back in my own bed, safe and sound. I clung to the belief that this was all just a nightmare, a twisted manifestation of my own dark imagination.

    But as the cold seeped into my bones and the void pressed in around me, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this was all too real. The sound of my own ragged breathing echoed in the silence, a jarring reminder of my vulnerability.

    I didn’t know what the future held, but one thing was certain: I was trapped in a nightmare from which I couldn’t escape. As sleep threatened to claim me, I fought against it, afraid of what I might find when I woke up. But exhaustion won out in the end, and I drifted off, lost in a sea of fear and uncertainty.



    The rhythmic panting filled the silent night, echoing through the otherwise serene landscape. Every muscle in my body ached, and I could feel the burn in my legs as I continued to pedal the ancient bike. Sweat dripped down my forehead, mingling with the cold breeze that chilled me to the bone. I had never been so exhausted yet so determined in my entire life.

    My eyes strained to see in the dim light provided by the full moon. It was a small blessing in this desperate situation; without it, I would have been utterly lost. The twisting, winding roads seemed to stretch on forever, a never-ending path that led to who knew where. I cursed myself for not preparing better, for not anticipating the possibility of this nightmare coming to life.

    After what felt like an eternity, the silhouette of my car appeared in the distance. Relief surged through me, a much-needed respite from the relentless exhaustion. I leaned into the pedals, pushing myself to the limit as I closed the gap between us. My heart pounded in my chest, the mix of anger and desperation fueling my resolve.

    As I drew closer, I noticed the car was parked haphazardly on the side of the road. My blood boiled at the sight, the urge to strangle her overpowering. How dare she? How dare she run from me?

    But as I approached the car, I saw her. Cora lay fast asleep in the backseat, her small form huddled beneath a paper bag she had ripped to lay flat. The anger drained from me, replaced by a mix of confusion and concern. Why was she asleep? And why did she look so vulnerable, so…defeated?

    I propped the bike against the car, my legs trembling from the exertion. I gently checked to see if the front door was unlocked, my heart racing as I pulled the handle. To my relief, the door creaked open; she hadn’t locked it. My eyes never left Cora as I opened the door wider, the soft rise and fall of her chest confirming she was alive. I reached out, tentatively brushing a strand of hair from her face.

    There was no response, only the soft, rhythmic breaths that spoke of her deep slumber. Frustration mounted, a familiar anger igniting within me. But as I looked at her peaceful face, I hesitated. I couldn’t bring myself to disturb her, not like this.

    With a heavy sigh, I settled into the driver’s seat, my tired body grateful for the respite. I closed my eyes, intending to rest for just a moment, to gather my strength for the confrontation to come. But the weight of exhaustion proved too much, and I slipped into a deep, dreamless sleep. And as we lay there, in the quiet night, our fates entwined in ways we couldn’t yet comprehend.

    As I awoke, the sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the interior of the car. My body ached from the uncomfortable position, and my mind was foggy with sleep. I looked over at Cora, still fast asleep in the backseat. Her peaceful expression was a stark contrast to the turmoil that had led us to this moment.

    I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt as I gazed upon her. She was just a florist, a dark romance author, and a woman who had somehow stumbled upon my darkest secrets. But I couldn’t let that guilt consume me.

    With a heavy sigh, I opened the driver’s door and stepped out of the car. I walked around to the trunk, the cool metal a welcome relief against my fingertips. Inside, I found the duct tape I had stashed away for moments like these. It was a crude tool, but effective in maintaining control.

    Cora’s sudden movement startled me, her lithe figure bursting from the confines of my car like a startled animal. For a moment, I stood rooted to the spot, watching in disbelief as she disappeared into the thick undergrowth that bordered the road.

    “Fuck my life.” The words spilled from my lips in a guttural growl, a mixture of frustration and fear bubbling within me. Without hesitation, I stuck the duct tape in my hoodie pocket and plunged into the forest after her.



    Rousing from a hazy sleep, I woke to the sun’s soft caress through the car window. Memories of the night before caused a dull ache in my head and limbs. Stifling a yawn, I opened my eyes, and a rustle from the trunk sent a jolt through me. My breath hitched as my heart raced, a sense of dread washing over me. My mind conjured horrifying visions of what could be unfolding behind me, leaving my body frozen in terror.

    Mustering what little courage I could, I slowly turned my head, my eyes widening in fear. The trunk lid was visibly open, and I could see the shadow of someone moving through the crack between the trunk lid and the window. Fear choked my voice, preventing me from even uttering a whimper.

    The unsettling sound intensified, sending chills down my spine. Time seemed to slow down as each passing second felt like an eternity. I desperately wanted to scream, to shout for help, but my voice seemed to have abandoned me.

    The realization that I was alone in the middle of nowhere dawned on me, amplifying my fear tenfold. I felt trapped, a fly caught in a spider’s web. The rattling sound grew closer, and I knew I couldn’t endure the suspense any longer.

    In a moment of desperation, I gathered whatever strength I had left and threw myself against the car door, flinging it open with a resounding thud. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I scrambled out of the car, my bare feet pounding against the rough, uneven terrain.

    I scrambled through the dense forest, my legs burning, my breaths ragged and uneven. I had taken my shoes off blast night and cursed not putting my shoes back on before running as my bare feet stumbled over rocks and tangled roots, sending jolts of pain through my body. Twigs and leaves lashed at my face, but I barely registered them, fueled only by sheer terror and the desperate need to escape.

    “Oh shit!” I exclaimed, tripping over a gnarled root and tumbling into a heap of leaves and damp twigs. Pain shot through my ankle, but I ignored it, scrambling to my feet and continuing my frantic flight. My heart pounded like a drum against my ribs, hammering away in rhythm with my desperate breaths.

    “Oh fuck!” I cursed again as I tripped over another obstacle, this time falling face-first into the mud. Disgust filled my mouth as I gagged at the dirt and leaves, spitting them out and wiping my face on my sleeve.

    “Wake up, wake up, wake up!” I chanted, trying to will myself awake from this nightmare. But the pain in my ankle, the dampness of the soil against my skin, the chilling wind that rushed through the trees, it all felt too real, too horrifyingly real.

    “Why do I have to be so out of shape even in my dreams?” I muttered, struggling to catch my breath. “Actually, this makes sense. This is a nightmare. It can’t be real. This is not real. Please wake up. Wake up, Cora.” I squeezed my eyes shut, willing myself to break free from this terrifying dream, but the reality remained stubbornly grim. I was still lost in this dense forest, still running from… what?

    I hesitated, casting a nervous glance back over my shoulder. Through the thick canopy of trees, I could see a flash of movement, a dark figure that seemed to be following me. Panic surged through me again, and I resumed my desperate flight, my lungs burning and my legs screaming in protest.

    My eyes darted over the trees as I tried to find a decent spot to hide. My fear stilled as I caught a glimpse of the running figure who was a lot closer than before with the familiar black hair and tall stature I knew all too well. Haides was my mystery pursuer; he was the one who chased after me. My apprehension dissolved into excitement at the realization that this wasn’t a nightmare at all but a wet dream, and I invested my energy in running faster. I planned to fuck the shit out of him when I let him catch me.

    The further I went, the more I craved the much-desired capture as I felt my panties were practically ruined. It wasn’t until I started jogging in circles around a giant cypress tree while swept by leaves that I stopped for a moment to catch my breath. Pants stuck to my legs and sweat adorning my skin, I glanced back at Haides still chasing me, his darkened gaze fixated intently on me.

    As Haides closed the distance between us, his movements fluid and swift like a predator stalking its prey, I felt an exhilarating rush of desire course through my veins. My body shivered in anticipation, my breath coming in shallow gasps.

    Summoning every ounce of remaining energy, I leaped toward him, my arms outstretched and a mischievous grin plastered on my face.

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