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    The world outside ceased to exist the moment Haides locked my bedroom door behind us. He moved with a feral grace, his large hands splayed against the wall on either side of my head, caging me in. My breath hitched as his darkened eyes bore into mine, a storm of desire raging within their depths. Then, with a force that left me dizzy, he crushed his lips to mine.

    His kiss was a tempest, fierce and unyielding, marking me as his own. I could feel the imprint of his mouth, the promise of red, fresh bruises blossoming against my skin. His lips left mine, trailing a path of fire down my neck. I arched against him, my body responding instinctively to his touch.

    His hands were rough as he pushed my shirt aside, his mouth latching onto the sensitive skin of my chest. A moan escaped my lips, the sound swallowed by the quiet room. My hands found their way into his thick hair, the strands soft against my fingertips. I pulled him closer, wanting more, needing more.

    With urgency, I reached for his shirt, my fingers fumbling with the fabric. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, to explore the contours of his body. But the shirt refused to budge, stubbornly clinging to his muscular frame. Frustration bubbled up within me, and I whined, the sound of a plea for help.

    Haides chuckled darkly, the vibrations sending shivers down my spine. He released my chest, his hands capturing my wrists in a firm grip. He shoved them against the wall, his body pinning mine in place. His growl vibrated against my skin, a primal sound that made my heart race.

    “Keep them there,” he commanded, his voice a low rumble that resonated deep within my core.

    I nodded, my hands flat against the wall as he had instructed. My chest heaved with each ragged breath, my body aching for his touch. I was at his mercy, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    His hands were insistent as they shoved my shirt upward, the fabric bunched around my neck, obscuring my vision. Suddenly, I was adrift in a sea of darkness, the world around me reduced to the sensation of his touch. His breath, hot and heavy against my skin, sent goosebumps racing across my body.

    I felt exposed, yet thrillingly alive. His mouth found my breast, his lips wrapping around my nipple with a possessive hunger that stole the breath from my lungs. He sucked hard, the sensation bordering on pain before he softened his assault, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud in slow, languid strokes.

    A gasp escaped my lips as he bit down gently, the sharp sting of his teeth eliciting a moan of pleasure and pain. I writhed against the wall, my body trapped between the unyielding surface and his hard, muscular form. His free hand roamed my body, exploring every dip and curve as if committing them to memory.

    He moved to my other breast, lavishing it with the same attention, his fingers rolling and pinching the wet peak he’d abandoned. I was lost in a haze of desire, every nerve ending alight with anticipation for what he would do next.

    His touch was electric, each caress sending jolts of pleasure coursing through my veins. I could feel the evidence of his arousal pressing against me, showing me exactly the effect I had on him. It was intoxicating, this power I held over the man who was otherwise so dominating, so in control.

    His pace was relentless, each flick of his tongue, each nip of his teeth driving me higher and higher. I was teetering on the edge of something monumental, a wave of ecstasy building within me, poised to crash over me at any moment.

    His hand moved lower, tracing the waistband of my pants before slipping beneath the fabric. Giving himself a taste before shoving my pants completely off my legs. My hips bucked as his fingers roughly found my clit, slick and ready for him. He groaned against my skin, the vibrations sending shockwaves of pleasure rippling through me.

    I was on fire as he expertly manipulated my body. His fingers moved in time with the strokes of his tongue, each movement perfectly synchronized to drive me wild.

    I could feel the pressure building, my body coiling like a spring, ready to unleash a torrent of sensation. My breaths came in short, sharp gasps, each one more ragged than the last. I was close, so agonizingly close, and he knew it.

    He withdrew suddenly, leaving me teetering on the brink of release. I whimpered in protest, my body aching for the completion he had denied me. His laughter was dark and sensual, echoing in the quiet room as he stepped back.

    I stood there, my chest heaving, the cool air of the room doing little to douse the fire that raged beneath my skin. My knees trembled, threatening to buckle beneath me, but I remained rooted to the spot, the wall at my back was the only thing keeping me upright. The wetness on my breasts from Haides’ mouth cooled rapidly, sending shivers cascading down my spine, and I could feel his gaze, heavy and heated, roaming over my body.

    “What a good girl, you are,” Haides purred, his voice a rich baritone that seemed to resonate with the very core of my being. The approval in his words made my heart flutter, a warm glow spreading through my chest despite the darkness that enveloped my face.

    “Why don’t you get on the bed and put that beautiful ass in the air. Don’t you dare take the shirt off your face. I want you to focus only on my touch.” His command was a low growl, a sensual threat that sent a fresh wave of arousal pulsing through me.

    I stumbled toward the bed, my hands outstretched, feeling for the edge of the mattress. My fingers brushed against the cool sheets, and I hoisted myself onto the bed, positioning myself on all fours as instructed. The fabric of my shirt was still bunched around my neck, casting a shadow over my vision, heightening my other senses.

    I could hear the rustle of his clothes as he moved closer, the subtle creak of the bed as he climbed onto it behind me. I felt vulnerable, exposed, my ass raised high in the air, my breasts dangling beneath me, the wet fabric of my shirt clinging to my face. But I trusted Haides implicitly, knew that he would take care of me, that he would make me feel things I had never imagined possible.

    “Such a perfect ass,” he murmured, his hand tracing the curve of my ass, his fingers slipping between my thighs to tease my slick entrance. I bit back a moan, my body shuddering under his touch. “You’re so wet for me, aren’t you, Cora?”

    “Yes,” I breathed out, the word barely a whisper.

    “Yes, what?” he demanded, his hand delivering a sharp smack to my ass that made me yelp.

    “Yes, sir,” I corrected myself, a blush creeping across my cheeks even though he couldn’t see it.

    “Good girl,” he praised, his fingers delving deeper, stroking me with a maddeningly slow rhythm that had me pushing back against his hand, desperate for more friction. “You like that, don’t you? You like being at my mercy, being used for my pleasure.”

    “Gods, yes,” I admitted, my voice shaky with need. “I love it when you take control, when you make me yours.”

    His laughter was a low, sensual sound that sent a thrill through me. “Oh, you are mine, Cora. Every inch of you belongs to me.”

    His fingers withdrew, leaving me aching and empty, but before I could protest, I felt the broad head of his cock nudging at my entrance. I held my breath, waiting, anticipating the moment he would thrust into me, filling me completely.

    “Tell me what you want, Cora,” he commanded, his voice ragged with desire.

    “I want you to fuck me, Haides,” I begged, my body quivering with need. “Please, I need you inside me.”

    “Since you asked so nicely,” he teased, his hands gripping my hips tightly as he prepared to give me exactly what I craved.

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