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    I stood in front of the mirror, smoothing out the fabric of my sundress. The soft yellow material complemented my complexion, and the skirt flared out just enough to give me a playful, carefree look. I had pulled half my hair up, letting the rest fall in loose, bouncy curls. It’s a look that says I’m not trying too hard, even though every detail has been meticulously planned.

    My heart raced with a mix of excitement and nerves. Today was the day of our first public date, a carefully orchestrated event by Callie. I can’t help but feel a twinge of anxiety. This isn’t just a date; it’s a performance with high stakes.

    As I reached for my lip gloss, my hand brushed against the medicine cabinet. Without thinking, I opened it, my fingers automatically sought out the familiar packaging of my birth control pills. It’s a routine I’d followed for years, as regular as brushing my teeth. But today, something felt different.

    I paused, the packet in my hand, and a sudden, overwhelming realization washed over me. I didn’t want to take the pill. The thought of Haides leaving me someday, once the dust settled and he could return to the life he had before me, filled me with an aching sense of loss. I couldn’t let that happen. I needed something permanent, something that would bind us together forever.

    My mind raced as I considered the implications. A baby. The idea sent a thrill through me. A child would be the ultimate connection between us, a living, breathing symbol of our love. It would be a risk, a leap of faith, but one that felt right in the deepest part of my soul.

    With trembling hands, I popped the pill out of the package, the tiny capsule felt heavy with consequence. I held it for a moment, staring at it, almost willing it to give me a sign, to tell me if I was making the right choice. But there’s no voice from the heavens, no sudden flash of insight. There’s just me, standing in my bathroom, holding a single pill.

    I extended my arm, opening my fingers and let the pill drop into the sink. I watched as it bounced once, twice, before disappearing down the drain with a quiet gurgle. A sense of finality settled over me. There was no going back now.

    For a moment, I allowed myself to imagine a future with Haides, a future that included more than just the two of us. It was a future filled with love, laughter, and maybe even a little chaos… Well, a different kind of chaos, a chaos filled with little baby toes and late-night feedings. It was a future I wanted more than anything.

    I took a deep breath, steadying myself. I couldn’t let my thoughts spiral out of control. Not now. I had a date to get to, a role to play. I closed the medicine cabinet with a soft click, my reflection staring back at me with determined eyes.

    I was ready to face whatever came next, to embrace the unknown with open arms. Haides might not be aware of the decision I’d just made, but it was a decision that would change both of our lives forever. And as I stepped out of the bathroom, a small smile played on my lips which fell when I caught the tail end of a heated debate echoing from the living room. The word “Batman” punctuated the air, followed by Callie’s animated voice, rising in pitch with every syllable. Haides, however, seemed unfazed by her fervor.

    “Callie, you can’t be serious,” Haides’ voice was a low rumble, threaded with amusement. “Batman is the epitome of a good superhero. He’s got gadgets, brains, and a vendetta against crime. What more do you want?”

    I tiptoed toward the living room, curiosity piqued by this peculiar argument.

    “Epitome of a good superhero?” Callie scoffed, her hands gesticulated wildly. “Ha! The man wears a cape, Haides. A cape. That’s just asking for trouble. Plus, he’s moody, obsessive, and let’s not forget—he’s a billionaire who chooses to dress up as a bat instead of using his wealth for good. That’s not a superhero; that’s a mid-life crisis!”

    Haides caught sight of me hovering by the doorway, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Cora, tell your friend here that Batman deserves his spot in the superhero hall of fame.”

    I couldn’t help but grin at the absurdity of the situation. “Well,” I started, pausing for dramatic effect, “I think Batman is a complex character. Sure, he’s got issues, but doesn’t that make him more relatable? He’s not just a superhero; he’s a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity.”

    Callie threw her hands up in exasperation. “Resilience? More like a rich kid with a penchant for dark alleyways and growling in people’s faces. I mean, has anyone ever told him that his voice is a dead giveaway? Where’s the subtlety?”

    Haides chuckled, leaning back into the couch. “You’re just mad because he doesn’t have any superpowers and still manages to outsmart everyone.”

    “Exactly!” Callie exclaimed, pointing a finger at Haides. “He’s a mere mortal playing dress-up with the actual superhumans. It’s preposterous!”

    I stifled a laugh, the sight of Callie so passionately dissecting the merits of a fictional character both absurd and endearing. “But that’s what makes him so interesting,” I interjected. “He’s just a man, using his wits and resources to make a difference. That’s inspiring.”

    Haides nodded in agreement, his gaze lingered on me with a warmth that sent a pleasant shiver down my spine. “See? Cora gets it.”

    Callie rolled her eyes, a playful smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth. “Fine, you two can have your dark, brooding vigilante. I’ll stick to heroes with actual powers and less… angst.”

    The air between Haides and me felt charged, electric, as he took a moment to drink me in with his gaze. His eyes, usually so guarded, softened with an undeniable warmth that made my heart flutter uncontrollably. “You look beautiful, Cora,” he said, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers cascading down my spine.

    I couldn’t help but return the favor, letting my eyes wander over him. He was dressed in dark slacks that hugged his muscular thighs in all the right ways, and an untucked button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The casual yet sophisticated ensemble accentuated the strength in his forearms, and I was momentarily lost in the thought of those hands on my skin. “You look amazing, Haides,” I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

    The intensity of the moment was palpable. It was as if we were the only two people in the room, caught in the gravity of our shared orbit. But then, Callie’s voice sliced through the tension like a hot knife through butter. “Alright, lovebirds, save it for the bookstore,” she quipped, her timing impeccable as always. “The blogger I tipped off should be there already, and we don’t want to keep the paparazzi waiting.”

    Her words snapped me back to reality, and I felt a flush of heat creep up my neck as I realized how easily I’d gotten lost in Haides’ gaze. I shot Callie a grateful smile, appreciating her ability to lighten the mood and keep us on track. She’d been instrumental in crafting this public image for Haides and me, and I knew I could always count on her to steer the ship when things started to veer off course.

    Haides offered me his arm with a gentlemanly nod, and I looped my hand through the crook of his elbow, savoring the feel of his firm muscle beneath the fabric of his shirt. Together, we followed Callie out of the house, the weight of the world momentarily forgotten in the excitement of our impending date.

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