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    I could feel Cora’s body tremble against mine as I whispered in her ear, my hand deftly working beneath the layers of her sundress. I couldn’t help but marvel at the warmth that radiated from her, contrasting the chill of the bookstore air. The scent of her, a mix of her floral perfume and the unmistakable musk of her arousal, filled my senses, making it difficult to maintain my composure.

    “Keep reading,” I reminded her, my voice barely above a whisper. The novel clutched in her hands shook slightly as she struggled to focus on the words printed on the page. Her voice wavered, the confident lilt she’d had earlier replaced by a breathy tremor that only served to fuel the fire that was already raging within me.

    Her movements were subtle, a quiet dance between us as I expertly manipulated her body. I could feel her muscles clenching around my cock, the wet heat of her enveloping me. It was a sweet torment, a pleasure so exquisite it bordered on pain. Every instinct within me screamed to thrust into her, to claim her completely, but I held back, knowing that the control I exerted now would only heighten our eventual release.

    I kept my pace even and slow, my fingers circling her clit with a precision born of the time spent exploring her body. I relished the way she squirmed on my cock, her hips bucking ever so slightly as she fought to remain still. The knowledge that I could elicit such a response from her was intoxicating, a heady rush that made it almost impossible to concentrate on anything else.

    But I was nothing if not disciplined. The risk of discovery added an element of danger to our little rendezvous, a thrill that coursed through my veins like wildfire. I knew that if anyone were to walk by, they’d see nothing more than a couple lost in a book, oblivious to the illicit acts taking place beneath the cover of her dress. It was a delicate balance, one that required all of my focus and willpower.

    The need to fuck her properly, to feel her body move against mine with reckless abandon, was a gnawing ache in the pit of my stomach. But that would have to wait. For now, this was enough—the feel of her tightness gripping my cock, the soft whimpers that escaped her lips with each shaky breath, the subtle way her body responded to my touch.

    It was the sweetest torture, a dance on the edge of reason and restraint. More than anything, I wanted to lose myself in her, to let go and surrender to the primal urge that coursed through my veins. But I needed control more than I needed release, and so I held back, savoring the exquisite agony. For now, this delicate balance was all we had, and it would have to be enough.

    The trill of soft laughter echoed through the stacks, and Cora’s body tensed in my lap, her muscles clamping down on me with a delicious intensity that threatened to unravel my self-control. I gritted my teeth, a low growl building in my chest as the approaching footsteps grew louder. This was a dangerous game we were playing, and the stakes had just been raised.

    Her wide, panic-stricken eyes met mine, a silent plea for help. But I was already two steps ahead, my mind racing with the possibilities of what could happen if we were discovered. I held her gaze, my expression unyielding as I gave her a simple command.

    “Keep reading. Keep quiet.”

    My voice was a low rasp, barely audible over the sound of the women’s chatter. Cora’s lips parted, her breath hitching as she struggled to comply. The book in her hands trembled, the words on the page blurring into an incomprehensible mess as her focus splintered beneath the weight of her arousal and fear.

    I could feel the wet heat of her, the way her body instinctively sought release despite the precariousness of our situation. My cock throbbed inside her, a relentless pulse that demanded satisfaction. But I wouldn’t cave in to that demand, not yet. Instead, I quickened the motion of my fingers, the pads circling her clit with ruthless precision.

    The closer the women came to our secluded nook, the more frenzied my movements became. It was a dance of danger and desire, a tightrope walk between the thrill of potential discovery and the ecstasy that was building within us both. Cora’s breathing grew shallower, her chest rising and falling with increasing rapidity as she fought to maintain her composure.

    I could see the battle raging within her—a war between her need to cry out and the necessity of remaining silent. Her lips moved silently, forming words that would never be spoken aloud. It was a beautiful sight, the way she surrendered to the pleasure even as she fought to keep it hidden from the world.

    The laughter grew louder, the voices of the women now just a few feet away from us. My heart pounded in my chest, the adrenaline coursing through my veins adding another layer to the intoxicating mix of sensations. I was losing myself in her, in the sweet torment of our forbidden tryst.

    Cora’s body began to shake, her orgasm fast approaching. I could feel it in the way her muscles tensed, in the erratic rhythm of her breathing. I knew I should slow down, should give her a moment to regain control, but I couldn’t. I was too far gone, too caught up in the moment to do anything but push her further, faster, harder.

    “Keep reading,” I urged her, my voice barely more than a whisper. “Don’t stop.”

    She nodded, her eyes locked onto mine as she obeyed my command. The words spilled from her lips, a string of nonsensical syllables that only served to heighten the intensity of the situation. And then, with a soft gasp that was swallowed by the rustling of pages and the distant laughter of the women, she came undone in my arms.

    Her body shuddered, her muscles clenching around my cock as she rode out the waves of her orgasm. I held her close, my fingers stilling as I allowed her to savor the sensation. It was a moment of pure ecstasy, a stolen fragment of time that belonged only to us.

    And as the women passed by our nook, oblivious to the silent storm of pleasure that had just ravaged Cora’s body, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of triumph despite the lack of my own release. We had walked the line between danger and desire, and we had emerged unscathed.

    For now, at least.

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