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    The student hall was a blur of flashing lights, pounding music, and the low hum of voices. I hovered on the edge of the crowd, the black dress Lila had lent me feeling both too tight and too loose at the same time. Tugging at the hem absently, I scanned the sea of unfamiliar faces, trying to quiet the nerves churning in my stomach. The beat of the music thrummed through my veins, almost drowning out the nagging sense of unease curling in my chest.


    “Relax!” Lila shouted over the music, thrusting a red cup into my hand. “You’re acting like you’re about to be thrown into the lion’s den.”

    I forced a smile, taking a cautious sip of whatever the hell was inside. “Maybe I am,” I muttered under my breath.

    But as I glanced around the dimly lit hall, the eerie sensation from earlier crept back—stronger this time. My eyes flicked toward the shadowy corners of the room, expecting to see those intense dark eyes watching me again. But there was nothing. Just clusters of students dancing and laughing, their carefree joy so foreign it was almost painful.

    “See anyone you like?” Lila teased, nudging me with an elbow.

    “Not really.” I shifted uneasily. It was a lie, of course. I didn’t want to admit I was searching for someone. Or that I had no idea who.

    But just as I tried to push the feeling away, a prickling awareness swept over me. The air seemed to thicken, buzzing with an energy I couldn’t quite place. My breath caught, and I turned sharply—only to come face-to-face with a wall of muscle and shadow.

    I stumbled back, heart slamming into my ribs as I looked up—way up—into the eyes of the man from the courtyard. He was standing right there, mere inches away, his gaze locked on mine with that same intensity that had set my pulse racing.

    “Hi,” he murmured softly, the single word almost swallowed by the noise around us.

    I froze, throat tight. Up close, he was even more overwhelming—towering and solid, with a face that was all hard lines and brutal beauty. There was something predatory about the way he looked at me, as if he could devour me whole and leave nothing but bones behind.

    “H-Hi,” I stammered, cursing myself for sounding so breathless.

    A small, knowing smile tugged at his lips. “You look… lost.”

    Lost? I blinked, confusion flickering through me. No one had ever looked at me like this—as if I was something fragile, breakable. Like a prize. Heat prickled under my skin, and I took a small step back, the instinct to run warring with something far more dangerous.

    “I—I’m not lost,” I managed, forcing myself to meet his gaze.

    “No?” His smile widened, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Then why do I get the feeling you don’t belong here, Vivienne?”

    The sound of my name on his lips sent a shock through me. My pulse stuttered, fear and confusion tangling together in a chaotic mess. “How do you—”

    But he didn’t answer. He just stared at me, gaze sweeping over me like he was memorizing every inch. As if I were already his, and I just didn’t know it yet.

    “Dance with me,” he said suddenly, his voice dropping to a low purr.

    My heart skidded to a halt. What? “I—I don’t—”

    “Dance,” he repeated softly, stepping closer. “Just one. You can leave after, if you want.”

    I should’ve said no. Should’ve walked away, demanded to know how he knew my name. But something in the way he looked at me—like I was a puzzle he was determined to solve—made me nod numbly.

    “Okay,” I whispered.

    The smile that spread across his face was dark, satisfied. He held out a hand, and before I knew what I was doing, I took it.

    The music shifted, the bass thrumming low and heavy as he led me onto the dance floor. The crowd seemed to melt away, leaving only the two of us in a world of shadows and soft, pulsing lights. His hands settled on my waist, firm and possessive, and a shiver raced down my spine.

    “What’s your name?” I asked, breath hitching as he pulled me closer.

    He leaned down, his mouth brushing my ear. “Darius.”

    The sound of his voice sent a jolt of something hot and dark through me. I swallowed hard, trying to keep my thoughts from spiraling out of control. “Darius… what?”

    He didn’t answer. His fingers tightened on my waist, his body moving in time with the music, sinuous and smooth. My pulse quickened, my mind a whirl of confusion and… desire?

    What the hell was wrong with me?

    I tried to step back, to put some distance between us, but Darius’s grip was unrelenting. He turned me, his gaze never leaving my face, and it felt like he was peeling away every layer of my defenses with nothing but his eyes.

    “Let go,” I whispered, hating how breathless I sounded.

    “Are you sure?” he murmured, his lips brushing my ear. “Because you don’t look like you want me to let go.”

    My breath caught, heat flooding my cheeks. I should’ve been angry, should’ve slapped him for being so damn arrogant. But instead, all I could think about was the way his body felt pressed against mine—strong, unyielding, and utterly in control.

    “Stay away from me,” I managed, voice trembling.

    His smile widened, eyes glinting with something wicked. “I don’t think I can do that, Vivienne.”

    Before I could respond, he released me, stepping back with a smooth, fluid grace that made my knees weak. The loss of his warmth was a shock, and I stumbled, heart racing as I struggled to regain my composure.

    “What the hell—” I began, but he was already gone, slipping through the crowd like a shadow.


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