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      Chapter 16

      by Quinn Hawthorne It felt like I was fighting my way through quicksand; the air was so thick. The room I was in was definitely a study, but a study I knew I had never seen before but, for some reason, had familiarity with. The walls were dedicated to books except for the fireplace that the executive desk was facing. The desk itself was clean, not a single piece of paper or pen to be found. I managed to make it to right before the desk before my feet were rooted in place and the once empty fireplace roared, a new thriving…
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      Chapter 18

      by Quinn Hawthorne “Honey, I’m home!” I called out, throwing my bag at my feet as soon as I entered the door and threw my hands in the air. An older woman walked around the corner with a kind smile on her face. “I’m happy to see you, Xavier dear.” “You too, Mrs. Carter.” I grinned. She tutted and swatted the air in front of her, causing the air to swat me on the shoulder. “You know better. Carissa or mom. None of this Mrs. Carter nonsense. It makes me feel far too old.” “You know, my life…
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      Chapter 15

      by Quinn Hawthorne She was lying in the room next to me, and I normally wouldn’t care much; this isn’t the first person that Mother decided she wanted to ‘save’ that slept in that room. But it was the first person who openly killed someone. The Xiomara I knew was a tough girl. I would give her that. No, she wasn’t a coward despite what Xavier and Gideon say. Especially that delicious detail of her taking a life. Not any life but the life of her abusive father. I wanted to pick her brain, but would she allow…
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      Chapter 13

      by Quinn Hawthorne   “You little bitch!” He spat, repeating his previous declaration. His oily brown hair lay flat against his head, emphasizing his bulbous head. His eyes were bloodshot and tinged with yellow, he must have had been drinking all night again before setting all his anger out on mom. His white t-shirt was stained with brown, something I can only guess was from coffee. His yellow teeth were bared at me, and a grunt escaped them before he charged at me. The snarled grin and a heaving breath was my only…
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      Chapter 14

      by Quinn Hawthorne “Did you put away the crystals for the mineral show on Saturday?” Mother asked as she stirred the stew in the pot over the stove. “Yes,” I said. I was sitting at the kitchen table working on the most interesting book about the correspondence of poisonous herbs in healing. Opium, for example, was an incredibly adaptive plant. For physical medicine, patients were given in small doses to alleviate pain, but giving too much, would stop the patient's breathing. Now, if you get the fire element's…
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      Chapter 12

      by Quinn Hawthorne When I walked in, I didn’t know what I was truly expecting, but this was definitely not it. My mother, who I get my long white hair from and who was always there to shelter me from my sperm donor’s wrath, was gasping for breath on the floor in front of the staircase. She had her face directed away from the door, but I knew she wasn’t okay. Her hair was matted in blood, and her hand was clutching at the side I couldn’t see. Hoping it was just a head wound and not something even more serious I gently…
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      Chapter 11

      by Quinn Hawthorne Laying next to Gideon as he slept hurt. I tried to imagine Nick as Gideon, and it worked for a while, but the way Gideon made me come had never ever happened to me before. It was too different, and I don’t know if I could do it again. Gideon took me apart in a way I wasn’t ready for. I wasn’t ready for him to practically shatter me and expose my rawness. I wasn’t ready for something new, and the way Gideon tried to possess me fucked with my head and flattered me. It was almost as if he wanted me,…
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      Chapter 10

      by Quinn Hawthorne Her hands let my hair go, and then she tried to push me away but didn’t put much strength into it, but I pulled away, panting nonetheless. “I can’t, " she said. Her face was still splotchy and tear-stained, but I couldn’t stop wanting her. Her eyes pleaded with me for something. “Pretend I’m him,” I whispered against her lips. “I can do that for you. Pretend I’m him.” I trailed my nose against her cheek before taking her earlobe in my mouth, tugging it slightly with my…
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      Chapter 9

      by Quinn Hawthorne “Come on, Silas. You know I will fail if you don’t let me copy.” Xavier said. He was flipping through the Spell Craft 103 text book, stuck on the essay they were having to write by Friday. “If you haven’t started by now, I doubt even with my answers you will pass,” Silas said softly as he scribbled away in his notebook. Xavier groaned and slammed his head on the desk making me laugh. “Why didn’t you start, man?” I asked. “Amelia fucking Davis.” Xavier smirked at me, “Need I…
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      Chapter 8

      by Quinn Hawthorne The ground beneath my feet turned traitor, a slick deceit that sent me sprawling. I went down hard, the breath knocked from my lungs, the taste of copper filling my mouth. My palms scraped against the unyielding stone path, the pain a sharp reminder of my clumsiness—or rather, the enchantment that seemed to have claimed me as its puppet. I pushed myself up, my cheeks burning with a mix of embarrassment and fury, only to slip again, my feet sliding out from under me as if greased. I couldn't help but…
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