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    “Come on, class! Take your seats. We will start your final exam in ten minutes!” Professor Ludwig shouted over the noise. Students were scattered throughout the classroom, talking to their friends. Professor Ludwig left the classroom probably to get Headmaster Brightwen. The Headmaster was obsessed with divination and always tended to join each class’ final exams. The rumor was that the Headmaster attended to see that if any vision came about, he would be there to witness it. There were many theories on why he wanted to be the first to see it, but my favorite is that he wanted to be the first person to find the new Liege of the Shadows.

    I snorted as if the Liege of the Shadows would be found in a fucking Divination classroom.

    A boisterous laughter caught my attention right as a cloud and rain poured down on me, drenching my shirt and pants to fit snuggly against my body and making my hair fall limp against my cheeks. Screeching in outrage, I connected my energy to the cloud, happily still raining, and it cleared in disappointment when I told it to stop.

    “I hope you enjoyed your shower, Xiomaggot. You’re welcome!”

    Turning around in my seat, I glared at Xavier Sinclair, who was bent over laughing hysterically, while a laughing Gideon Carter held on to Xavier’s shoulder to keep himself standing.

    Xavier and Gideon have always been fucktards who loved to mess with me day in and day out. It started as a rivalry between Xavier and me in class, where we tried to get a better grade. It was when I finished the class with top marks that he took losing badly and retaliated in the next year by sending a gust of wind at my notes so I couldn’t finish an important essay in time, so he got top marks. It was just annoying when Xavier “pranked” me, as he called it to the administration, but it was because hell when Gideon joined in. I was just glad that Silas Graves, their other best friend, didn’t participate. Silas couldn’t care less about me, and while I would rather he stick up for me, I would take his inaction to his participation any day.

    You’d think these two idiots would have grown up by now? But I guess growing up was too good for them.

    I felt for my blushing cheeks to harness in on the heat my anger was causing. Once I connected to the fire element, I directed its rage at their feet, causing their shoes to heat up. Their laughing was interrupted by their yelps as they hopped on their desks to look at their feet, rushing to take off their shoes to see the damage. But I knew what I was doing, I would never let a mark give away my retaliation. Some students around us were laughing while the rest were frantically studying for the final.

    I turned around, focusing on my breathing to connect with the air element, letting the air gently dry me and regain my composure. Just as I finished my focus breathing, I heard the door close.

    “Mr. Carter and Mr. Sinclair, put on your shoes immediately and sit in your seat. My words! The nerve of those boys.” Professor Ludwig tsked. I kept my head forward, but I could hear the two sets of footsteps from behind me, indicating the headmaster was indeed here to watch the final exam.

    “Now, the written portion will be passed out momentarily. You will do a reading for Headmaster Brightwen in my office over there through those doors. So when your name is called, you will hand me your written exam, no matter where you are on the exam, go into my office to give him a reading, and once you are done, I will hand you back your exam to take back to your desk to finish. Once you are finished with your written and practical portions, you may hand in your exam and leave if you are finished before the period is up. You have an hour and a half to complete everything.” Professor Ludwig said, her eyes scanning the classroom, and when no one objected, she nodded and had the air element to pass out the blank tests to everyone.

    “First up, Patrick Anderson.” Professor Ludwig called out, looking directly at a chubby boy with curly brown hair. He clumsily stood up, obviously extremely nervous. He took his paper up to the professor and followed the Headmaster into the office off to the side of the classroom.

    I looked down at the exam and held in my scoff. This was far easier than I expected. These questions were all on the practice exam she handed out last month.

    I was done with my written exam way before the professor even called out my name, so when I was called, I grabbed my bag and handed my exam to her, telling her I was finished. She smiled at me and placed the test on the side, starting the pile for the finished exams with mine. Smiling back at her, I admit a bit too smugly, before turning and walking into the open office door.

    The Headmaster was sitting on the side where the professor would normally sit. His hair was entirely grey, his eyes tired, and his smile forced. At this point, he was probably as exhausted as us, wishing for the break to start.

    “Hi, sir,” I said as I closed the door behind me so I wouldn’t disturb my classmates.

    “Hello, Ms. Riley,” the Headmaster said, his tone obviously faking pleasantries. Next to the desk was a rolling cart full of different divination tools. Once I sat down in the open chair in front of the desk, I placed my bag at my feet and sat back, taking a deep breath.

    “So what will you do for me today?” He asked, folding his hands in front of himself.

    I could probably make the headmaster drink his 30th cup of tea, judging by the steaming glass teapot that looked almost empty, and read his leaves. But in all honesty, I just wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible so I could go back to the library and finish the final paper for Spell Craft 103. I scanned the divination tools, and I really didn’t want to do a tarot reading. I loved memorizing it, but I didn’t think tarot was my thing. I also don’t really feel like starring endlessly in the dark obsidian crystal ball spouting the first things that come to mind, I definitely don’t have that kind of energy in me right now.

    I needed something that could guide my creativity and give me the ability to spout absolute bullshit. Spotting the candles on the bottom shelf, I felt the smile grow on my face. Perfect. I could use the candle’s flames to divine. It will let me practice flame summoning for my fire class final.

    “Fire scrying, Sir. I felt that you should take a break from drinking all that tea.” I said.

    He chuckled, entertaining my terrible joke as I grabbed the candles and candle stands.

    I set up five candles, letting a single black candle surrounded by white candles.

    “May these white candles protect the candle in the middle from falsities and outside forces. May this reading give us the information we need to hear now and at this moment.” I commanded, focusing on the tools in front of me.

    I opened each hand and placed them right next to the bunch of candles, letting my palms lean towards the candles themselves.

    I closed my eyes and focused on my internal energies. When I was centered, I took a deep breath in, and when I exhaled, I focused on the heat of my breath to breathe life into the candle wicks. I opened my eyes as the flames danced on the wicks in front of me, entering the room with a tiny hiss.

    Fighting back the smirk, moved my hands away from the candles and placed them in my lap, weaving my fingers.

    I looked at the Headmaster, and he was now leaning forward, leaning on his forearms, which were resting on the arms of the chair. His brows were frowned slightly, and there was a slight downturn of his lips. He was watching the flames, and I knew right there that even if the reading was a complete fail, I had already gotten full marks for my performance. But I might as well sell this bullshit.

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