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    Closing my textbook, I sat back in my chair with a sigh. I was finally done with my final paper. I’m so glad the professor opted to have us write a paper instead of an exam, even a practical exam. Just theory on an original spell. I chose a spell that, in theory, will be a great asset to researchers. Having the ability to transfer handwritten notes and older books into a digital format for easier archives. Since laptops aren’t allowed during class, I was sick of always typing the things I had already written. I mean, it would have been a great studying technique to go over notes that way, but I was so far ahead in class that it was just so boring.

    The spell used electricity and the fire element to transfer the data. Using candle flames, to be exact. It had to be my favorite spell to date.

    Maybe I should test it outside tonight so I don’t burn down anything important if I miscalculated, nor would I bring attention to myself.

    With a plan in place, I packed my supplies, put them in my bag, and threw the bag over my shoulder.

    I smiled at the librarian as I handed in the books I had taken out a few days ago for this paper and waited until she put them back in the system before heading out.

    With only one more exam ahead of me, I couldn’t help but feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I worked hard this year. I was hoping my grades would be enough for a Mind Arts apprenticeship or the ability to be a teacher’s aide next year.

    I picked up the subject so easily that the professor had me tutoring any failing student this year. The mind arts wasn’t a competitive field to get into; it was very much like a math course. Those who get it get it, and those who don’t simply don’t. It makes those who are masters in the field an incredible find to have on the payroll, especially for larger companies, important businesses, or public officials.

    If I get an apprenticeship or become a teacher’s aide, I could land myself a decent position out of school and finally leave –

    My thoughts were interrupted by someone grabbing me by my braid and pulling me backward.

    I felt myself falling backward way before I felt the burning pain of my hair practically being ripped out of my scalp, but once I did, I couldn’t help the screech from echoing through the almost empty hallway. I was dragged into an empty classroom as I had a hand around the hand clutching my hair and the other trying to grab anything that would pull me away.

    Someone was giggling off to the side, and I frantically tried to search for them, but when I moved my head in their direction, the person pulled my hair harder towards them, making my head snap back and a scream to escape before the air element silenced me.

    Anger bubbled deep in my gut. Who the fuck do these people think they are? Why does it always have to be me? I didn’t even do anything. What the fuck!

    “Put her in the chair.” A voice said. I knew that voice. That was Violet Lovell. Violet was a grey core and best friends with Summer and Margaret Morgan. So either Margaret or Summer must be the bitch holding my hair.

    Hands grabbed my shoulders and hauled me into a chair. I felt the ropes wrap themselves around me tightly as I saw the flushed, smirking faces of the two girls I knew were probably with Violet.

    Fucking twat waffles.

    “Now, don’t get too hot there, Xiomaggot.” Summer said in a condescending tone, taking Xavier’s name for me as hers.

    “You aren’t one wronged here. Poor Violet is.” Summer continued bitingly.

    “Yeah, you don’t get to be mad. You are the bitch who cheated in Divination, taking my top spot from me.” Violet snarled. “When you left the exam today, Headmaster Brightwen could barely pay attention to anyone else. I mean I already went before you so I was lucky to be able to have his entire attention on me. But you?” She growled.

    This was about Divination? DIVINATION? I wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness. I didn’t mean to sell my “vision” too hard. It just fell in my lap that way.

    Violet was leaning her entire body on the desk before me, her arms straight and hands flat against the wood. Her short brown hair fluttered in her eyes, making her look even more unhinged than she was acting, and that was a high bar.

    “You just had to upstage me, huh? I will be a great seer one day. And you have the audacity to cheat your way to the top? That isn’t going to happen under my watch.” Violet screeched. Her voice is probably hitting tones only dogs can hear.

    She was batshit; I don’t want her fucking seer position. She could have it. I just wanted an A. Fuck.

    Her slap catches me off guard, forcing my head to the side. Her slap was so hard my ear rang, and I could practically feel my cheek begin to swell.

    It was instinctive that I reached out to the fire element. I was not sure if this was because this was the element I was last working with, or I worked so much with over the course of the school year, or even if it was the element that just worked well with me. But the second I was hit, while the shock was still clouding my thoughts, my magic reached out to the heat of the swelling to connect with the fire element, which gladly answered my call. It burned away the binds without burning me or my things. Once I was free, my hand was swinging, catching Violet in the mouth, causing her to tumble back with a scream.

    I directed fire to singe away Margaret’s and Summer’s hair in retaliation to the hair pulling. Fucking bitches wanted to play but can’t play fair, huh? They never went physical before today; only mean words and material things were ruined. But they forget they aren’t the only ones always messing with me. You have Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb to thank for me being so quick to get physical in a physical altercation.

    I was so angry at them and knew I couldn’t be here any longer, or I’d kill them for trying to overpower me like that. But I felt like I had gotten the upper hand. Violet was crying on the ground, clutching her bleeding mouth, while the other two were panicking over the loss of hair. But they would be fine. It wasn’t even as if I burned off all their hair; just burned halfway to their shoulders.

    I had to pry the door open from the earth element that had locked it for them. I went running, not even canceling the air element’s gag, until I was safe in my dorm.

    What am I going to do now?

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